The Easiest
Way to Get Your CCSP Certification

Cloud security certification training that adapts to your knowledge and schedule

…by the advisors and contributors of the CCSP certification

Trusted CCSP trainers for:

Studying for the CCSP exam can be easy

Normally studying for the CCSP exam is difficult

You'll get buried under various materials

  • Books
  • Videos
  • Practice questions
  • Endless, often conflicting materials
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We make it as Easy as possible to study for the CCSP exam! Our MasterClass:

  • Provides clarity in the chaos:
  • You’ll know what to focus on
  • What to study each day
  • We provide everything you need
  • All the study materials and guidance in one MasterClass
  • All of the concepts and proven strategies
  • To confidently pass the CCSP exam
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  • Our CCSP GuideBook will be available in late summer 2024.
  • Get an instant overview of your progress.
  • Jump in to whatever feels interesting at the moment.
  • Automatically focus on what you still need to learn more about.
  • No matter how you study, your study plan stays up-to-date.
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Cloud Security Certification training by the co-developers of the CCSP certification

When ISC2 wanted to create a cloud security certification, they involved both John Berti and Rob Witcher to help manage the curriculum and materials development.

They brought in other experts, of course, to help decide what to include in the instructor and student materials, including exam question development

We’ve built our CCSP training based on what the exam actually tests you on. You won’t spend time learning unnecessary details, but rather focus your time on exactly what you’ll be tested on in the exam.

CCSP training program that adapts
to your knowledge

Our custom MasterClass system learns what you need to focus on in your studies and guides you. You will know what you need to focus on across all the topics in the CCSP exam outline.

Knowledge assessments highlight any gaps in your knowledge

A quick test after each topic identifies anything you need to review

  • Correct answer and explanation of the question
  • The relevant MasterClass video
  • A “cheat sheet” summary
  • Related Flashcards
  • Mindmap video
  • Additional references
  • Chat for asking questions
Image of knowledge assesment on CCSP MasterClass - Destination Certification

The most realistic CCSP practice exam in the world

One of the most common complaints people have about the CCSP exam is that their expectations were totally off. They had answered possibly thousands of practice questions correctly. But the exam was nothing like those.

That’s by design. Just like the CISSP exam, the CCSP exam has intentionally difficult questions. For example, many questions have multiple correct answers. You won’t know what’s right based on just technical information. Rather, you need to understand the impact on the organization.

We’ve made our practice questions feel exactly like the real ones. They’re not the same ones, but we’ve modeled them so closely that they might as well be the real questions.

Here’s an example of what that means in practice:

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Follow a customized, up-to-date study schedule

  • No matter your schedule, your CCSP studies will fit in.
  • You always know what to do next to stay on track.
  • If you skip a day or leap ahead, the schedule adjusts to it.
  • You can always see what’s
    most important for you to study.
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How long do you need to study for
the CCSP?

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Study like you have no other life

You can study very quickly, but it means you won’t have time for much else. It’s a bit extreme, but we routinely teach it all in a week.

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Study while juggling a job and family

In case you have something else to do (like a family to see), you will likely need a few weeks before you’re ready to pass the exam.

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Study when you have some time

If you aren’t in a rush to get certified, you can study just a couple of hours per week for a few months.

  • Make studying for the CCSP exam fit your schedule.
  • See exactly what to do next to stay on track.
  • The schedule stays up-to-date as you progress.
  • You even see what’s most important for you to focus on.

The most engaging CCSP training you can find

You might not expect it, but studying for the CCSP exam can be quite engaging.

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What you need to focus on — at a glance

  • Clear progress overview across the 6 domains
  • Stay focused on what you actually need to study — automatically
  • Your personal review guide updates itself as you move through the MasterClass
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  • Get an instant overview of your progress.
  • Jump in to whatever feels interesting at the moment.
  • Automatically focus on what you still need to learn more about.
  • No matter how you study, your study plan stays up-to-date.

Expert instructors at your disposal

If you have questions, we are here to answer them. Ask us live during the weekly Q&A call, or in our community chat, or email us. We’re here for you!

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Rob Witcher

Co-founder & Master


Image of John Berti profile - Destination Certification

John Berti

Co-founder & Master


Trusted CCSP trainers for:

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You can get personal answers to your questions from some of the top experts in the industry.

  • One of us (John Berti) advisor and contributor for the CCSP certification on behalf of ISC2.
  • We have trained large organizations’ security teams for 25+ years.
  • We have helped 5,000+ students get CCSP certified. 
  • We were involved in creating the official CCSP materials, curriculums and questions.
  • We have reviewed other training companies’ study materials for accuracy on behalf of ISC2.
  • We have run the official ISC2 train-the-trainer program, so many other instructors are our former students.

Everything you need to pass your CCSP exam easily on your first try

The Destination Certification CCSP
MasterClass in a nutshell

  • CCSP MasterClass videos
  • Automatically up-to-date study plan
  • Live Calls with expert instructors
  • CCSP study guide (will be released in late summer 2024)
  • Workbook for easily taking notes and staying engaged
  • Flashcard app
  • MindMaps to clarify how everything fits together
  • Proven CCSP exam strategies
  • The most realistic CCSP practice exam in the world
  • In Preferred and Premier MasterClasses, you get your own personal CCSP mentor
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Your personal

CCSP mentor

Even though we make the process clear, getting your CCSP certification is still a big project. Having a personal mentor guide you can make it easier.

You can schedule your first call with your mentor as soon as you start the MasterClass (Preferred and Premier). You’ll go over the whole process, the exam preparation, your questions, and anything else you have on your mind.

As you progress through the MasterClass and get closer to the exam, you can reach out to your mentor if you have any questions.

Listen to Lou explaining our

personal mentoring

Lou Hablas

Lead CCSP Mentor

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The Destination
Certification CCSP
MasterClass Videos

The MasterClass is built around
the video lessons.

Each video is focused on a narrow topic, so you can quickly grasp it and move on. That said, you learn more than just the technical information. The videos also cover the management-level considerations that the CCSP certification is about.

The videos are far easier to consume than most other CCSP resources you might find. We’ve split the 6 domains into 133 videos, so you can watch most of them during a short coffee break. Also, we’ve done our best to make them more engaging than the usual cloud security lecture or CCSP resources.

Detailed written explanations

In addition to the videos, you also get written summaries of all the most important concepts. They dig deeper into the topics and help you understand them better.

The summaries also include all the tables and diagrams from the videos, so they work as quick reminders of the lessons, too.

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Image of knowledge assesment on CCSP MasterClass - Destination Certification

Knowledge Assessments

The knowledge assessments are a key reason you’ll know which specific topics to focus on in your studies. The assessments test your understanding of all the topics from the CCSP exam outline, so they quickly provide a surprisingly accurate gauge of whether you know something well enough for the exam or not.

Your answers adjust your personalized study plan, so you don’t need to do anything extra; just follow the plan, and you’ll pass the exam confidently.

Based directly on the current CCSP exam

The MasterClass aligns exactly with the CCSP exam outline. It’s not just the six domains, but even down to which details get emphasized.

That is to say, you study exactly what you need to pass the exam. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Domain 1: Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design


Understand cloud computing concepts


Describe cloud reference architecture


Understand security concepts relevant to cloud computing


Understand design principles of secure cloud computing


Evaluate cloud service providers

Image of CCSP Domain 1 : Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design - Destination Certification

Domain 2: Cloud Data Security


Describe cloud data concepts


Design and implement cloud data storage architectures


Design and apply data security technologies and strategies


Implement data discovery


Implement data classification

Implement data classification


Design and implement Information Rights Management (IRM)

Design and implement Information Rights Management (IRM)


Plan and implement data retention, deletion, and archiving policies

Plan and implement data retention, deletion, and archiving policies


Design and implement auditability, traceability, and accountability of data events

Design and implement auditability, traceability, and accountability of data events

Image od CCSP domain 2 Cloud Data Security - Destination Certification

Domain 3: Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security


Comprehend cloud infrastructure components


Design a secure data center


Analyze risks associated with cloud infrastructure


Design and plan security controls


Plan Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)

Image of CCSP domain 3 Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security - Destination Certification

Domain 4: Cloud Application Security


Advocate training and awareness for application security


Describe the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process


Apply the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


Apply cloud software assurance and validation


Use verified secure software


Comprehend the specifics of cloud application architecture


Design appropriate Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions

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Domain 5: Cloud Security Operations


Build and implement physical and logical infrastructure for cloud environment


Operate and maintain physical and logical infrastructure for cloud environment


Implement operational controls and standards (e.g., Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 20000-1)


Support digital forensics


Manage communication with relevant parties


Manage security operations

Image of CCSP domain 5 Cloud Security Operations - Destination Certification

Domain 6: Legal, Risk and Compliance


Articulate legal requirements and unique risks within the cloud environment


Understand privacy issues


Understand audit process, methodologies, and required adaptations for a cloud environment


Understand implications of cloud to enterprise risk management


Understand outsourcing and cloud contract design

Image of CCSP domain 6 Legal, Risk and Compliance - Destination Certification

Personalized Study Guide

Know exactly what to study and when.

You can set your own study schedule (as in, when and how long you want to study) and when you plan to take the exam. The plan will always fit within what you set, or it will warn you if it looks like you’re falling behind and need to adjust the exam date.

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Live Calls
with Your Expert instructors

The weekly live calls are a chance for you to get direct answers to all of your questions. Our expert instructors are there to help you for as long as there are questions.

You can also reach us via chat or email if you prefer to get answers that way.

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One of the best ways to learn is to take written notes. We make that as easy as possible with our workbook which perfectly aligns with the material you will learn in class.

Our students often highlight one little feature; we’ve added QR codes and short URLs throughout the workbook. They link directly to the relevant video in the MasterClass.

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Flashcard app

The CCSP certification is not a technical one. It’s a management-level certification, so you need to understand how to apply the technical information to benefit the organization.

However, there are hundreds of terms you need to know.

Our flashcard app is available on iOS and Android. It connects to your MasterClass account and updates your Personalized Review Guide as you progress. That’s one more way we ensure you spend your study time as efficiently as possible.

The Most Realistic CCSP Practice Exam in the World

Most CCSP practice questions are misleading. You can find thousands of people who say that the practice questions they went through only created a false sense of confidence. That’s because the usual practice questions are nothing like the actual CCSP exam questions.

Our practice questions (and the practice exam) are exactly like the real ones. You learn how to recognize the correct answers, even if there are multiple technically correct answers — or none that seem right at all.

Exam strategy training

Most CCSP practice questions are misleading. You can find thousands of people who say that the practice questions they went through only created a false sense of confidence. That’s because the usual practice questions are nothing like the actual CCSP exam questions.

Our practice questions (and the practice exam) are exactly like the real ones. You learn how to recognize the correct answers, even if there are multiple technically correct answers — or none that seem right at all.

Image of John Berti teaching CCSP - Destination Certification

CCSP Exam Made as Easy as Possible …by the advisors and contributors of the CCSP certification

These are just the highlights of what you get in the
Destination Certification CCSP MasterClass:

  • Automatically adjusting study plan focused on what you still need to learn
  • Automatically up-to-date study schedule that fits your calendar
  • Personal CCSP mentor who will guide you through the process
  • Direct answers to all your questions from top instructors
  • Study material that covers not only all the technical aspects, but also the management-level considerations
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MasterClass Videos

133 videos

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Our CCSP Guidebook will be available in summer 2024.

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Our Workbook

174 pages

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Flashcard App

793 cards

CCSP knowledge assessment - Destination Certification

Knowledge Assessments

594 questions

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Practice Exam

70 questions

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Weekly Group

Mentoring Calls

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MindMaps videos will be available starting July 2024.

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Mentoring Calls

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MasterClass Videos

133 videos

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Our Workbook

174 pages

CCSP knowledge assessment - Destination Certification

Knowledge Assessments

594 questions

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Image of weekly group mentoring calls

Weekly Group

Mentoring Calls

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Flashcard App

793 cards

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Destination CISSP practice exam

Practice Exam

70 questions

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Mentoring Calls

Our CCSP MasterClass Prices


  • All the study material & strategies you need to pass the CCSP exam
  • In-depth Study Material covering the latest 2024 CCSP exam outline
  • Exam strategies and techniques needed to pass the exam
  • Weekly Live Group Mentoring calls to answer your questions
  • Personalized Schedules so you know what to focus on and stay on track
  • PDF version of our CCSP workbook
  • Our comprehensive CCSP guidebook built into our online learning system CCSP Guidebook will be available in late summer 2024.
  • iOS / Android Flashcard app with over 1000 flashcards to memorize the terminology you need to know for the exam
  • Visual MindMaps connect key concepts across all 6 domains. MindMaps videos will be available starting July 2024.
  • Practice Exam modeled on the real CCSP exam
  • 1-year access

Preferred with
Personal Mentoring

  • Everything included in Essential
    • Everything you need to confidently pass the CCSP exam!
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  • Your own personal CCSP Mentor
    • 1-on-1 mentoring call to devise a study plan that will work for you
    • 1-on-1 mentoring call focused on exam strategy
    • CCSP Welcome Box, including printed CCSP Guidebook and CCSP Workbook. CCSP box will be available in late summer 2024.
    • Unlimited email support
    • 3-year access
    Image of CCSP workbook and guidebook - Destination Certification


  • Everything included in Preferred
  • Image of plus icon in premium package - Destination Certification
    • Unlimited personal 1-on-1 mentoring
    • Lifetime access
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    Image of plus icon in premium package - Destination Certification


    ( +5 more payments of $227/month )

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    ( +5 more payments of $317/month )


    ( +5 more payments of $777/month )


    Save $162 with One-time payment

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    Save $205 with One-time payment


    Save $165 with One-time payment

    • All the study material & strategies you need to pass the CCSP exam
    • In-depth Study Material covering the latest CCSP exam outline
    • Exam strategies and techniques needed to pass the exam
    • Weekly Live Group Mentoring calls to answer your questions
    • Personalized Schedules so you know what to focus on and stay on track
    • PDF version of our CCSP workbook
    • Our concise CCSP guidebook built into our online learning system. Our CCSP guidebook will be available in late summer 2024.
    • iOS / Android Flashcard app with over 1000 flashcards to memorize the terminology you need to know for the exam
    • Visual MindMaps connect key concepts across all 8 domains. MindMap videos will be available starting July 2024.
    • Practice Exam modeled on the real CCSP exam
    • 1-year access
    Preferred with
    Personal Mentoring
    • Everything included in Essential
    Image of orange plus icon in preferred with package - Destination Certification
    • Your own personal CCSP Mentor
    • 1-on-1 mentoring call to devise a study plan that will work for you
    • 1-on-1 mentoring call focused on exam strategy
    • CCSP Welcome Box, including printed CISSP Guidebook and CISSP Workbook. CCSP Guidebook will be available in late summer 2024. The printed guidebook will be shipped to you as soon as it is ready!
    • Unlimited email support
    • 3-year access
    • Everything included in Preferred
    Image of plus icon in premium package - Destination Certification
    • Unlimited personal 1-on-1 mentoring
    • Lifetime access
    • iPad 10th Gen!

    ━   Prices are in USD ━

    Detailed comparison




    Preferred with 

    Personal Mentoring




    Everything you need to confidently pass the CCSP exam!

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    In-depth Study Material 

    covering the latest CCSP exam outline

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Full-access to our custom online learning system

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Your own personal

    CCSP Mentor

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    (2 x one-hour 1-on-1 mentoring sessions )

    Unlimited Mentoring!

    MasterClass videos which teach you all the critical concepts

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Workbook so you can easily take notes


    Printed and mailed to you

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    Printed and mailed to you


    Our concise CCSP Guidebook. Our CCSP Guidebook will be available in late summer 2024.

    Built into our site

    Printed and mailed to you

    Image of orange plus icon in preferred with package - Destination Certification

    Built into our site

    Printed and mailed to you

    Built into our site

    Personalized Schedule so you know what to focus on and stay on track

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    Weekly Live Group Mentoring calls to answer your questions

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Flashcard app with over 1000 flashcards to memorize the terminology you need to know for the exam (iOS & Android)

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Practice Question app with over 500 questions to help you learn concepts and exam testing strategies (iOS & Android)

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    MindMap videos which summarize & connect key concepts across all 6 domains Our MindMaps videos will be available starting July 2024.

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    Exam strategies and techniques needed to pass the exam

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    Practice Exam modeled on the real CCSP exam

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    Expert training series to advance your career

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    Access for:

    (You will have access to all improvements we make to the MasterClass during this time)

    1 year

    3 years


    Perfect with CISSP

    The CISSP & CCSP certifications complement each other extremely well. That’s by design; when ISC2 wanted to create a cloud security certification, they specifically wanted it to complement CISSP

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    What if you already have the CISSP certification?

    You’ll find getting the CCSP certification much easier for a couple of reasons.

    What you learned while studying for the CISSP covers roughly 40% of CCSP. In other words, compared to people who start from CCSP, you have a lot less to learn.

    If you’re already CISSP certified, ISC2 waives the experience requirements for CCSP certification. So, once you pass the exam, you get the certification right away.

    • Get an instant overview of your progress.
    • Jump in to whatever feels interesting at the moment.
    • Automatically focus on what you still need to learn more about.
    • No matter how you study, your study plan stays up-to-date.
    Our pass exam guarantee badge - Destination Certification

    Exam-pass guarantee

    To be clear, nobody can guarantee that every single student will pass the CCSP exam. That’s because it’s ultimately up to the student to study.

    That said, we make it as easy as possible for you to pass on your first attempt.

    Remember that while many training companies advertise high pass rates, many of those students may have needed to take the exam multiple times before passing it. Our CCSP MasterClass is still too fresh for us to have reliable statistics on first-attempt pass rates. However, we do have very high pass rates for our CCSP Live Class, over 95%.

    What if you don’t pass on your first try?

    It’s very unlikely, but sometimes it happens

    The vast majority of our students pass the exam on their first attempt. However, it is a very difficult exam, and although we do everything we can to make it as easy as possible to pass - we can’t guarantee it.

    What we can guarantee, in the unlikely event that you don’t pass the exam, is that we are 100% here for you! We’ll have a 1-on-1 call with you to debrief on your exam experience and, most importantly, work with you to create a tailored study plan that will ensure you are ready to confidently pass on your next attempt.

    You will continue to have complete access to all of our study materials for your next attempt, plus access to our weekly live Q&A calls and personal mentoring.

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    Share Program Information with your manager

    Many organizations invest in professional development. They want you to get additional training and certifications and have a training budget for it.

    Our self-paced MasterClass is very similar to our corporate boot camps. Our corporate clients — many of whom we’ve worked with for years — have found our training to provide great ROI time and time again.

    If you’d like to get CCSP certified alone or pull your whole team along, we’re happy to make it easy for you.

    We’ve prepared a concise MasterClass information package for your manager below.

    Share the CCSP training information with your manager. Download the file below.

    Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam -Image icon of pdf file

    Course for HR / Manager approval.pdf

    Our Clients Include...

    Image of our client - Destination Certification

    CCSP training FAQ

    How soon can I start?

    You can start today -- it’s entirely self paced, and you’ll have full access to the course from the moment you enroll.

    How long should I plan to study before taking the exam?

    This varies widely based on how familiar you are with the exam material, how many hours per day you plan to study, and how willing you are to sacrifice time normally spent with family, friends, and hobbies. Most people take 6-8 weeks to go through all of our CCSP training videos, Knowledge Assessments, Flashcards, MindMap review videos, Practice Exam, and to review topics based on their personalized review guide. Successful students work hard -- typically a couple of hours per day and more on weekends, and usually after 6 to 8 weeks of preparation they are confidently prepared to take the exam. However, some students focus on nothing but studying for 1-2 weeks and are ready; others take as long as 6 months.

    Is the training up to date?

    Yes, everything aligns 100% with the current CCSP certification exam and will stay up-to-date through any future exam changes.

    What are your pass rates?

    Our CCSP MasterClass is so new that we don’t have reliable statistics on pass rates, yet. However, we do have very high pass rates for our CCSP Live Class, over 95%.

    Overall, we focus on first-attempt pass rates because it tells much more about how well the MasterClass aligns with what people need to know. Our first-attempt pass rate for CISSP MasterClass students is over 93.6%. Those who don’t pass on their first attempt have access to all the materials and support they need to pass on their second attempt.

    How much feedback and support will I get during the course?

    Lots! You’ll gain plenty of helpful feedback from the results of 15 knowledge assessments, exam simulation practice, and our flashcard app. All of these results also feed back into the recommendations within your personalized, continually updated review guide, so you’ll always know what to focus on. And to get additional support, CCSP books and study guides, answers, and advice from a live human being, all you need to do is drop in to our weekly group study support calls.

    Who are the instructors?

    John Berti and Rob Witcher have 30+ years of experience teaching corporate CISSP and CCSP classes. John Berti was a key advisor, and contributor of the CCSP certification. They’re trusted by ISC2 to even evaluate other training companies’ material and train other instructors. Read more.

    How many hours of video training are there?

    The 133 CCSP training videos covering all of the CCSP exam outline topics add up to approximately 22 hours. The videos are very concise and contain a huge amount of information. We continually teach the exact same material in our live classes, and it takes 5 full 9-10 hour days to go through the material.

    How long will I have access to the system?

    You have access for 12 months by default. Most of our students spend 6-8 weeks in the program before taking the exam, and we recommend you aim to take the exam within 6 months of beginning the program. However, our number one priority is that everyone passes the exam, so if you need access for a longer period of time to complete your CCSP training and exam preparation, we are happy to provide it, (Simply email at any time after enrollment to have us extend your program access.)

    Does the MasterClass include an exam voucher?

    No. Instead, you can reserve your own exam time directly online with Pearson Vue just as easily as a hairdresser appointment.

    How many people have you helped pass the CCSP exam?

    Thousands. John was the lead-developer of the CISSP certification in the early days, and a key contributor to the CCSP certification. Both Rob and John have run hundreds of CISSP/CCSP classes, and even run the very first CCSP class in Canada.