The easiest

way to get your

CISSP Certification

CISSP training on what you need to study — at a pace that works for you

The CISSP exam has been updated, and so has our MasterClass!

  • 114 New in-depth MasterClass Videos (in addition to the existing 140 videos)
  • New Edition of our Bestselling CISSP Guidebook
  • Massively Updated CISSP Workbook
  • New & Updated Knowledge Assessment Questions
  • New & Updated Practice Test Questions
  • New & Updated Flashcards

Trusted CISSP trainers for:

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Our CISSP MasterClass Explained:

CISSP training program that focuses on the exact things you don’t know

The MasterClass will automatically adjust to your knowledge.

When you go through an assessment, study with flashcards, or take a practice exam, the system will recognize if you have any gaps in your knowledge.

Your personalized CISSP review course updates to reflect what you still need to study, so you always have a clear path forward.

You will almost automatically spend your time studying in the most efficient way possible.

Let’s say you get something wrong in an assessment.
Here’s what you get:

Let’s say you get something wrong
in an assessment. 
Here’s what you get:

Image of an example video lesson - Destination Certification
  • A concise explanation of the answer
  • CISSP MasterClass video explaining the topic. Taught by Rob & John
  • Detailed explanation of the topic with notes on what aspects of it you are most likely to be tested on
  • Flashcards on the topic
  • MindMap review video for the topic
  • References to the topic: specific page numbers in the most popular study guides (even the official
    study guide) + links to websites
  • Link to the chat where you can ask about the topic

Or let’s say you want to get a clear image of what you still need to study before you’re ready for the exam.

You see that at the glance your CISSP prep course.

You see what you’ve already learned (purple), things you need to review (orange), and what you haven’t yet gone through. You see that for each domain, and you can expand a domain to see which subtopics you still need to study more.

Image of material progress - Destination Certification

Did you know the CISSP exam will focus on your weakest areas?

After your CISSP exam, if you talk with other participants, they'll all describe a test focused on totally different topics. However, they will all describe a test focused on whatever topics they feel least comfortable with.

As soon as you answer any questions wrong, the exam will adjust. You'll see more and more, often more and more difficult, questions about the areas you got wrong.

In a similar way, our MasterClass will guide you to study the exact areas you might still struggle with. If the real exam hones in on your weaknesses, you won't feel surprised or helpless. You'll know you can answer the questions and get the certification, no matter what the exam throws at you.

Direct answers
from expert teachers
to your questions

You’ll have an easy time preparing for your CISSP certification with everything you need for the CISSP exam. The video lessons make even the trickiest concepts clear and practical.

However, with such a wide range of topics, you might have
some questions about specific topics. If you find yourself
wondering about something, you have access to some of
the top experts in the industry. You get direct, personal answers to all your question.

Image of Rob Witcher profile - Destination Certification

Rob Witcher

Co-founder & Master Instructor

Security, PMP

Image of John Berti profile - Destination Certification

John Berti

Co-founder & Master Instructor


  • We’ve trained the security teams of large organizations for years
  • We’ve helped thousands (or maybe tens of thousands, we’ve lost count) of students get CISSP certified.
  • We’ve taken part in creating the official CISSP exam questions.
  • We’ve reviewed other training companies’ study materials for accuracy on behalf of ISC .
  • We’ve run CISSP training classes that our competitors’ teachers have attended to see why our students pass the exam so consistently on their first try.

Hear from our students

Image of Charlie Gibson for testimonial video - Destination Certification

Charlie Gibson

Iimage of Dan Vanbeeks - Destination Certification

Dan VanBeek

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Valery Rinconi Sllim

Craig posing for the thumbnail photo

Craig Caldwell

Image of Kush Behl for testimonial video - Destination Certification

Kush Behl

Image of Asim Khwaja for testimonial video - Destination Certification

Asim Khwaja

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The most engaging CISSP training you can find

Most CISSP resources are anything but entertaining. You might be surprised when you see ours.

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Thumbnail image for lattice based security models: Bell-Lapadula and Biba video - Destination Certification
Thumbnail image for vulnerability assessment and penetration testing - Destination Certification

The CISSP training adjusts to your schedule and keeps you on track

No matter how much you can study each day or week, the CISSP training will adjust to your schedule and keep you on track.

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Study like you have no other life

If you can put the rest of your life on hold for a while, you can study for the exam very quickly. We routinely guide people through it all in a week. It’s a bit brutal, but doable.

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Study while juggling a job and family

If you can’t just tell your spouse to deal with the kids for a week, this is the best pace for you. You will likely need 4 - 10 weeks to prepare for the exam.

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Study when your other responsibilities leave you with time

If you’re busy and don’t want to adjust your schedule significantly, you should know that the CISSP certification course will take a few months. But you absolutely can do it.

The most common reason people fail the exam

The most common reason people fail the CISSP exam is that they prepare for it as if it was a technical exam.

Sure, you need to study a wide range of technical information. But even if you can recite the entire official 1,300-page CISSP training book, you can easily fail the exam.

Many of the questions offer you multiple correct answers. You need to pick the option that is best for the organization.

In other words, you need to think more like a CEO than a typical security practitioner.

Here’s an example of what that means in practice:

How we’ll make it as easy as possible

for you to pass your CISSP exam

(On your first try)

CISSP training in a nutshell

  • CISSP MasterClass videos
  • Live Calls with expert teachers
  • Our Study Guide
  • Our Workbook
  • Flashcard app
  • MindMaps to clarify how everything fits together
  • The most realistic CISSP practice exam in the world
  • In Preferred and Premier MasterClasses you get your own personal CISSP mentor

Your personal

CISSP mentor

Getting your CISSP certification is no small feat. Having an experienced mentor to help you along the way can make the journey far easier.

As soon as you start the Preferred or Premier MasterClasses , you can schedule your first call with your assigned mentor. They’ll help you with any questions you have about the process, the exam preparation, or anything else that might help you get your certification more easily.

All throughout the process, you can reach out to your mentor if you have any questions you need help with.

Listen to Lou explaining our

personal mentoring

Lou Hablas

Lead CISSP Mentor

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The Destination
Certification CISSP

The video lessons are the heart of the MasterClass.

You learn one clearly defined topic in each video. In addition
to the technical side, you immediately also understand the
bigger-picture considerations you will be tested on in the
CISSP exam.

We’ve done our best to make the content easy to consume.
With over 170 videos, each topic is in bite-sized chunks.
We can’t promise that you’ll find every video fascinating, but
hopefully you’ll appreciate our efforts to make the ideas
more engaging than a typical security lecture.

Detailed written explanations

You get a clear, written summary of every critical concept. These summaries expand on the topics to provide a greater depth of understanding. They include all the tables and diagrams we use in the videos to make it easy for you to dig deeper.

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Core Concepts
Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - knowledge assessments

Knowledge Assessments

Each section has its own knowledge assessment. They make it easy for you to focus on only the topics you still need to learn more about. You see what topics you should study more and get direct links to the exact right resources.

Exactly aligned to the most recent ISC2 Exam Outline

Everything you need to learn for the exam is covered. You don’t need to look for additional information anywhere else.

Domain 1: Security and Risk Management


Professional ethics


Security concepts


Security governance principles


Determine compliance and other requirements


Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Requirements for investigation types

Requirements for investigation types


Security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelines

Security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelines


Business continuity (BC) requirements

Business continuity (BC) requirements


Personnel security policies and procedures

Personnel security policies and procedures


Risk management concepts

Risk management concepts


Threat modeling concepts and methodologies

Threat modeling concepts and methodologies


Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) concepts

Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) concepts


Security awareness, education, and training program

Security awareness, education, and training program

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Image of CEO sitting in the chair CISSP domain 1

Domain 2: Asset Security


Identify and classify information and assets


Establish information and asset handling requirements


Provision resources securely


Manage data lifecycle


Ensure appropriate asset retention (e.g., End-of-Life (EOL), End-of-Support (EOS))

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Determine data security controls and compliance requirements

Requirements for investigation types

Image of a asset security on domain 2 - Destination Certification

Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering


Research, implement and manage engineering processes using secure design principles


Understand the fundamental concepts of security models

(e.g., Biba, Star Model, Bell-LaPadula)


Select controls based upon systems security requirements


Understand security capabilities of Information Systems (IS) (e.g., memory protection, Trusted (TPM), encryption/decryption


Assess and mitigate the vulnerabilities of security architectures, designs, and solution elements

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Select and determine cryptographic solutions

Requirements for investigation types


Understand methods of cryptanalytic attacks

Requirements for investigation types


Apply security principles to site and facility design

Requirements for investigation types


Design site and facility security controls

Requirements for investigation types

Image of a man looking at security architecture and engineering on domain 5 - Destination Certification

Domain 4: Communication and Network Security


Assess and implement secure design principles in network architectures


Secure network components


Implement secure communication channels according to design

Image of a man in suit working in communication and network security - Destination Certification

Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)


Control physical and logical access to assets


Manage identification and authentication of people, devices, and services


Federated identity with a third-party service


Implement and manage authorization mechanisms


Manage the identity and access provisioning lifecycle

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Implement authentication systems

Requirements for investigation types

Requirements for investigation types

Image of a woman looking for identity and access management on domain 5 page - Destination Certification

Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing


Design and validate assessment, test, and audit strategies


Conduct security control testing


Collect security process data (e.g., technical and administrative)


Analyze test output and generate report


Conduct or facilitate security audits

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context

Requirements for investigation types

Image of a man in laboratory testing - Destination Certification

Domain 7: Security Operations


Understand and comply with investigations


Conduct logging and monitoring activities


Perform Configuration Management (CM) (e.g., provisioning, baselining, automation)


Apply foundational security operations concepts


Apply resource protection

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Conduct incident management

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Operate and maintain detective and preventative measures

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Implement and support patch and vulnerability management

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Understand and participate in change management processes

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Implement recovery strategies

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Implement Disaster Recovery (DR) processes

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Test Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP)

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context


Participate in Business Continuity (BC) planning and exercises

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context

Requirements for investigation types

Image of a man looking at security operations on monitors - Destination Certification

Domain 8: Software Development Security


Understand and integrate security in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


Identify and apply security controls in software development ecosystems


Assess the effectiveness of software security


Assess security impact of acquired software


Define and apply secure coding guidelines and standards

Legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context

Requirements for investigation types

Image of a man developing software security - Destination Certification

Live calls with your
expert teachers

If you ever want a personal answer to a question, you can reach out to us. But you can also come to our weekly live calls to get answers directly.

At least one of our expert 
instructors is there to answer your questions live. We’ll continue for as long as there are questions, so you don’t need to worry about missing your chance to get answers.

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Image of our CISSP Guidebook Second addition - Destination Certification

Our Study Guide

The official ISC2 CISSP training course is not known for its entertainment value. It’s 1,300 pages of small print with very few images. The information is accurate, of course, but reading it is an Olympic-level exercise in concentration and persistence.

We’ve created our own CISSP study guide, which is a far easier read. It still covers everything you need to learn to pass your exam. And not just the technical stuff either. Just like the Masterclass, we’ve made sure you understand the management-level implications of things, too, because that’s not only what the exam tests for, but also what makes you a great security professional.

Our Workbook

The workbook makes studying even easier for you.

The workbook exactly aligns with our class making it easy for you to take notes and memorize the critical information.

Our students love one small feature: there’s QR codes / short URLs throughout the book linking directly to the video covering the topic of that page.

Image of Destination CISSP student workbook - Destination Certification
Image of flashcard app - Destination Certification

Flashcard app

There are hundreds of terms that you need to know to pass the CISSP exam.

We’ve got you covered with our intuitive flashcard app. As you go through the flashcards you can easily mark the terms you know and which you don’t and need to review.

Our iOS and Android flashcard app connects to your MasterClass account. As you go through the flashcards and mark them, our system gains an ever more detailed understanding of what you know vs. what you need to review, so you can spend your study time even more efficiently.

The over 1,100 flashcards provide terms and associated definitions that are critical to know to pass your CISSP exam easily.

Whether you have a few minutes while waiting for the food you ordered or you sit down to study for an hour, the flashcards are an easy way to learn the key terms and their definitions.

MindMaps to clarify how everything fits

You need to understand not only a lot of different topics, but also how they fit together to pass the CISSP exam. This might seem simple, but when there are easily dozens of interlocking topics, a simple text explanation will be difficult to understand.

We use MindMap videos to put everything together. We go through each major topic in a section so you can easily see the connections.

The MindMaps also serve as good reminders of the big picture later on. You can print them out and use them to make sure you go through every relevant consideration in your work.

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - CISSP Course Mindmap

Here's an example MindMap Video:

The most realistic CISSP practice exam in the world

You can easily find thousands of practice questions. However, many people who have correctly answered thousands of practice questions feel completely lost when they see the real exam questions.

That’s because the CISSP exam questions are not just any questions. Here’s how they’re created:

  • An expert in their field of security writes a question
  • A committee of security professionals analyze and refine the question
  • Exam testing science experts go through the question ISC2 adds the question to the CISSP exam as an ungraded question
  • Experts evaluate whether the question performed correctly in the exam and further refine it and re enter it as an ungraded question if needed
  • The question finally makes it to the real CISSP exam

●  An expert in their field of security writes a question

●   A committee of security professionals analyze and refine the question

●   Exam testing science experts go through the question

●   (ISC)² adds the question to the CISSP exam as an ungraded question

●   Experts evaluate whether the question performed correctly in the exam and further refine it and re enter it as an ungraded question if needed

●   The question finally makes it to the real CISSP exam

This is an insanely laborious process that results in very refined and unique questions that don’t look like practice questions that you’ll find online or in books. For example, you often need to pick the BEST answer from multiple technically correct answers.

Our practice test is the most realistic
CISSP practice exam you can take without paying for the real thing.

That’s literally what our students say. When they take the real exam, they aren’t surprised by the style of questions.

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Practice Exam
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What our students say about our training

Avatar image of student V

Jeff Araujo

Exam pass date: April 8, 2024

I am more than happy to share my success due greatly to Destination Certification's Rob, John and Lou! I will be passing on to anyone in the future about this course prior to the CISSP test.

Avatar image of student Jeffrey Rodriguez

Jeffrey Rodriguez

Exam pass date: April 8, 2024

I read the official study guide, the all-in-one guide, and watched videos from every source I could find. None of those sources were as clear and concise as the Destination Certification videos and book. I wish I would have found them sooner and saved myself a lot of time.

Avatar image of student V

Daniel Perschonok

Exam pass date: April 6, 2024

From the minute I watched the first Master Class video, I knew I had made the right decision on choosing Destination Certification. The content is very engaging and the entire program makes it easy to set a schedule and stick to it. I wanted something that would fit my lifestyle and allow me to go at my own pace. Destination Certification did exactly that. Going into the exam, I felt very confident about the knowledge gained from the course and my ability to know what the answer has to be. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone interested in understanding the fundamentals of security and passing the CISSP exam. Trust the process and think like a CEO.

Avatar image of Tyler Phelps

Tyler Phelps

Exam pass date: April 5, 2024

Destination Certification is the one stop shop to pass the CISSP. I did not need any other resources outside of all of the video courses, flash cards, mind maps, the book, mind maps and the study guide. I am a TERRIBLE test taker and I was able to pass on my first attempt at 130 questions after 3.5 months of consistent studying.

Avatar image of student V

Rick Sege

Exam pass date: April 3, 2024

Destination Certification was a huge time saver in studying for the CISSP. They get rid of the fluff found in most other courses and books. The instruction is engaging and informative. It's obvious that Rob, John and Lou are all passionate about helping students learn and understand this material. John's testing strategy and examples are gold! Thank you Destination Cert team for a great course.

Avatar image of student V

Jimmy Berry

Exam pass date: Mar 30, 2024

Destination Certification was instrumental in helping me pass the CISSP exam by organizing and managing the information in a manner that made complex concepts easy to comprehend. Rob and John's approach to how the materials not only laid a great foundation to fully comprehend the topics covered on the exam, but made me a more competent security professional.

Student avatar of Stephane Lorandel

Stephane Lorandel

Exam pass date: Mar 25, 2024

As I embarked on the daunting journey of preparing for the CISSP certification, the vast sea of information seemed overwhelming. Then, I discovered Destination Certification—an oasis of clarity in the desert of complexity. Their meticulously crafted learning path streamlined the essentials, imparting not just fragmented domain knowledge but a holistic understanding of security principles. The comprehensive approach of Destination Certification was a game-changer, enabling me to grasp complex concepts effortlessly. Thanks to their methodical guidance, I not only passed the exam on my first attempt but also gained a profound insight into the realm of security. I am immensely grateful for the exceptional teaching provided by Destination Certification. Their dedication to excellence deserves recognition, and I sincerely thank them for empowering me on my certification journey. If only every certification had a course of such caliber!

student avatar odf Alexander Stevens

Alexander Stevens

Exam pass date: Mar 20, 2024

John, Rob, Lou and the extended team give you the best chance of passing the CISSP with their tailored concepts to hone in on that gives you clarity on what is important to know for the exam. The course does enforce a more managerial approach throughout which makes it the only needed source of reference in the objective. The team culture is very down to earth and personable which did stand out to me from start to finish with the right intensions for your benefit. I am very grateful to have taken a chance with hard working and passionate people.

Student avatar of Phillip Sanders

Phillip Sanders

Exam pass date: Mar 12, 2024

Destination Certification is an absolute game-changer! As someone who recently embarked on the journey to become a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), I can't stress enough how invaluable this platform has been in my success. Thanks to Destination Certification, I was not only able to pass the CISSP exam but also gained a deeper understanding of information security concepts that will serve me well in my career. I wholeheartedly recommend this platform to anyone embarking on their certification journey – it's the ultimate destination for success!

Student avatar of Jonathan Acheampong

Jonathan Acheampong

Exam pass date: Mar 9, 2024

MasterClass is one of the best CISSP exam prep out there. The online videos and contents are very informative. Great one on one sessions with Lou. The live sessions are the best. Rob and Jon are available to answer any questions. "Read the exam question 3 times before you look at the answer!

student avatar of Ian Squire

Ian Squire

Exam pass date: Mar 4, 2024

I had been studying a long time to take the exam. I stumbled upon the CISSP MindMaps and took the Cryptography Mini MasterClass. I signed up shortly after that and the rest is history. This course helped me organize and pass the exam in a way my many other study resources couldn’t do. I have already started recommending Destination Certification to colleagues.

Student avatar of Sean Mooney

Sean Mooney

Exam pass date: March 2, 2024

Destination Certification, (Lou, Rob, and John) have expertly condensed the complexities of Cybersecurity into digestible, essential knowledge. This course has polished my two decades of experience, increasing my value to clients and stakeholders. Just follow their lead, trust their process and you can’t go wrong. I highly recommend their course.

Student avatar of Jesse DeGarmo

Jesse DeGarmo

Exam pass date: February 28, 2024

I actually started thinking about the CISSP in about 2004, with books to prove it. However, I finally arrived at the point in my career where I could see this was long overdue, and Destination Certification made an extremely well-crafted product, that prepared me for the CISSP examine in the best possible way. Even after – it is still enjoyable to revisit the material.

student avatar of Santosh Murugkar

Santosh Murugkar

Exam pass date: February 28, 2024

Huge thanks to Destination Cert Team! Rob & John's made concepts clear, wonderful study materials, memory maps and Mr. Lou's mentorship boosted my confidence. I passed the exam!

Student avatar of James Dooley

James Dooley

Exam pass date: February 27, 2024

The course material was very designed - it was concise, thorough, and organized logically in an easy-to-understand flow. The mentorship with Lou was great and he was a fantastic resource to bounce ideas off of.

Student avatar of Sarath Haridas

Sarath Haridas

Exam pass date: February 23, 2024

The training materials were really a great refresher for the learnings that I have gained through my career. The support and guidance from Lou is truly inspiring. Thanks a lot for all the support.

Student avatar of Lowell Fafard

Lowell Fafard

Exam pass date: February 8, 2024

Rob and John present the material in an easy to follow, understand and (the most important part) engaging manner. The mind maps and the knowledge assessments were key to shoring up areas that needed work. The class was invaluable for expanding my knowledge and passing the exam. Will definitely be taking classes from them in the future.

Student avatar of Justin Arias

Justin Arias

Exam pass date: January 31, 2024

With two weeks until the exam, I needed a clear and concise course direction to study for the CISSP. Destination Certification provided an excellent course which concisely discussed the main points and tie the domains together. The overall platform provides great resources for each person to learn and retain the information in their way, whether that is video, text, or knowledge checks. I was able to pass my exam right at question 125 and I know Destination Certification had a huge impact on the overall result.

student avatar of Ziaul Karim

Ziaul Karim

Exam pass date: January 31, 2024

Not only is everything about Destination Certification visually appealing, the content is truly fantastic. Everything is laid out in a logical manner with videos, book, assessments, all presented in an easy-to-understand format. Rob and John really bring this material to life, and the correct attitude and mindset is presented throughout, so by the end of your learning it is second nature (which is crucial for the exam). I encourage you to conquer the CISSP mountain as I did, with Destination CISSP as your path and guide.

Student avatar of Himanshu Dua

Himanshu Dua

Exam pass date: January 25, 2024

When I initially enrolled, I was apprehensive about whether investing a substantial amount of money would be worthwhile. However, I can assure you that Rob and John are just genius. They not only helped me pass the exam but also transformed me into an excellent security engineer. Their teaching has become invaluable in my professional career, making the CISSP journey significantly easier for me. Thank you. I'm really happy that I found you.

Student avatar of Panagiotis (Panos) Georgakopoulos

Panagiotis Panos Georgakopoulos

Exam pass date: January 12, 2024

Destination Certification serves as the ultimate resource for successfully passing the exam, equipping individuals not only with the knowledge to excel in the test but also fostering a comprehensive understanding of the material. This holistic approach contributes to the development of individuals into well-rounded and proficient security professionals.

Student avatar of James Kimble

James Kimble

Exam pass date: December 24, 2023

Destination Certification helped focus my learning by breaking down tough concepts into bite sized chunks. I used this as a primary resource and could not be happier with the results.

Student avatar of Samantha Mims

Samantha Mims

Exam pass date: December 2, 2023

After seeing so much praise about the Destination Certification Masterclass, I decided to give it a try, and I’m so glad I did! The resources provided in the class were so much easier to digest than sitting down and reading through hundreds of pages of text in other study guides.

A big thank you to the team for putting it all together and hosting the live study sessions!

CISSP Exam Made as Easy as Possible

Here’s just a glimpse of what you get in the Destination CISSP Masterclass:

  • Learning system that helps you focus only on what you still need to study
  • Clear plan throughout the process that adjusts to your schedule
  • Personal CISSP mentor who will guide you through the process
  • Direct answers to all your questions from top instructors
  • Study material that covers not only all the technical aspects, but also the management-level considerations
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MasterClass Videos

174 videos

Image of CISSP Guidebook second addition - Destination Certification

Our CISSP Guidebook

510 pages

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Destination CISSP workbook

Our Workbook

250 pages

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Destination CISSP flashcard screen

Flashcard App

1,130 cards

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Destination CISSP knowledge assessment questions

Knowledge Assessments

833 questions

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Destination CISSP practice exam

 Practice Exam

100 questions

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Image of weekly group mentoring calls

Weekly Group

Mentoring Calls

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - mindmap review videos

MindMap Review Videos

31 videos

Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Image of 1 on 1 mentoring calls with Lou profile


Mentoring Calls

Checkout out the student box we'll send you

(For the Essential tier of the MasterClass you will receive a digital copy of the workbook)

Pricing Table


  • All the study material & strategies you need to pass the CISSP exam
  • In-depth Study Material covering the latest 2024 CISSP exam outline
  • Exam strategies and techniques needed to pass the exam
  • Weekly Live Group Mentoring calls to answer your questions
  • Personalized Schedules so you know what to focus on and stay on track
  • PDF version of our CISSP workbook
  • Our concise CISSP guidebook built into our online learning system
  • iOS / Android Flashcard app with over 1000 flashcards to memorize the terminology you need to know for the exam
  • Visual MindMaps connect key concepts across all 8 domains
  • Practice Exam modeled on the real CISSP exam
  • 1-year access

Preferred with
Personal Mentoring

  • Everything included in Essential
    • Everything you need to confidently pass the CISSP exam!
    Image of orange plus icon in preferred with package - Destination Certification
  • Your own personal CISSP Mentor
    • 1-on-1 mentoring call to devise a study plan that will work for you
    • 1-on-1 mentoring call focused on exam strategy
    • CISSP Welcome Box, including printed CISSP Guidebook and CISSP Workbook
    • Unlimited email support
    • 3-year access
    Image of CISSP Guidebook Second addition and workbook - Destination Certification


  • Everything included in Preferred
  • Image of plus icon in premium package - Destination Certification
    • Unlimited personal 1-on-1 mentoring
    • Lifetime access
    Image of CISSP Guidebook Second Addition and workbook -  Destination Certification
    Image of plus icon in premium package - Destination Certification


    ( +5 more payments of $297/month )

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    ( +5 more payments of $397/month )


    ( +5 more payments of $967/month )


    Save $285 with One-time payment

    Image of most popular badge - Destination Certification


    Save $385 with One-time payment


    Save $805 with One-time payment

    ━   Prices are in USD ━

    Detailed comparison




    Preferred with 

    Personal Mentoring




    Everything you need to confidently pass the CISSP exam!

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    In-depth Study Material 

    covering the latest (May 2021) CISSP exam outline

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    Full-access to our custom online learning system

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Your own personal

    CISSP Mentor

    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification

    (2 x one-hour 1-on-1 mentoring sessions )

    Unlimited Mentoring!

    MasterClass videos which teach you all the critical concepts

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Workbook so you can easily take notes


    Printed and mailed to you

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    Printed and mailed to you


    Our concise CISSP Guidebook

    Built into our site

    Printed and mailed to you

    Image of orange plus icon in preferred with package - Destination Certification

    Built into our site

    Printed and mailed to you

    Built into our site

    Personalized Schedule so you know what to focus on and stay on track

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Weekly Live Group Mentoring calls to answer your questions

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    Image of orange icon tick - Destination Certification
    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Flashcard app with over 1000 flashcards to memorize the terminology you need to know for the exam (iOS & Android)

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    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    Practice Question app with over 500 questions to help you learn concepts and exam testing strategies (iOS & Android)

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    Image of purple icon tick - Destination Certification

    MindMap videos which summarize & connect key concepts across all 8 domains

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    Exam strategies and techniques needed to pass the exam

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    Practice Exam modeled on the real CISSP exam

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    Expert training series to advance your career

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    Access for:

    (You will have access to all improvements we make to the MasterClass during this time)

    1 year

    3 years


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    Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam -Image icon of guarantee

    Our guarantee

    Let’s be honest: nobody can guarantee that every single one of their students will pass the CISSP exam. We make it as easy as possible for you to pass on your first attempt. But it’s up to you to study.

    When you see claims like “96% of our students pass the exam,” remember that it’s not the same as “90%+ of our students pass the exam on their first try.” Which group do you want to belong to?

    We cannot guarantee that you will pass the exam. We do guarantee that following our CISSP certification class you get the best chance of success, even on your first try.

    Let’s be honest: nobody can guarantee that every single one of their students will pass the CISSP exam. We make it as easy as possible for you to pass on your first attempt. But it’s up to you to study.

    When you see claims like “96% of our students pass the exam,” remember that it’s not the same as “90%+ of our students pass the exam on their first try.” Which group do you want to belong to?

    We cannot guarantee that you will pass the exam. We do guarantee that you get the best chance of success, even on your first try.

    What if you don’t pass on your first try?

    Only a small minority of our students need to retry the exam. But if it happens, there are two likely reasons for it:

    You got nervous. There are separate resources in the CISSP training to help you prepare for the exam mentally. But our nerves still sometimes get the best of us. Feel free to ask about it from your CISSP mentor; there are lots of strategies for making yourself more likely to perform well in the exam situation.

    You had some weak areas that the exam zeroed in on. The CISSP training will automatically highlight the areas you should still study more before taking the exam. It is extraordinarily unlikely that you’d fail the exam because of this if the MasterClass didn’t have any more suggestions for you.

    You’ll have access to all the study materials and weekly live calls with the expert instructors. You can also book more 1-on-1 time with your CISSP mentor to get clear on what will make your second attempt a success.

    Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam - Icon image for share program, open book image icon

    Share Program Information with your manager

    Does your organization invest in your professional development and overall value by encouraging training, education, and certification, and does it offer an employee training budget to support these activities?

    Material in our self-paced CISSP training mirrors the material presented to students in our corporate boot camps. Our corporate clients - many of whom we’ve worked with for years - rank among the top organizations in the world, and the ROI and effectiveness of our training has proven itself for them time and time again.

    Whether you want to go through the MasterClass on your own or have your whole team get CISSP certified, we’re happy to help.

    Share the CISSP training information with your manager. Download the file below.

    Destination Certification - Pass CISSP Exam -Image icon of pdf file

    Course for HR / Manager approval.pdf

    Our Clients Include...

    Image logo of Deloitte - Destination Certification
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    Image logo of Transamerica - Destination Certification

    Program FAQ

    We will be updating our CISSP MasterClass to reflect the April 15, 2024 CISSP exam update. And most importantly if you enroll in the MasterClass now, you will have access to the updated course.

    Does the course reflect the April 15th 2024 changes?

    Yes, everything aligns 100% with the current CISSP certification exam and will stay up-to-date through any future exam changes.

    How soon can I begin the CISSP course?

    You can start today -- it’s entirely self paced, and you’ll have full access to the course from the moment you enroll.

    How long should I plan to study before taking the exam?

    This varies widely based on how familiar you are with the exam material, how many hours per day you plan to study, and how willing you are to sacrifice time normally spent with family, friends, and hobbies. Most people take 6-8 weeks to go through all of our CISSP training videos, Knowledge Assessments, Flashcards, MindMap review videos, Practice Exam, and to review topics based on their personalized review guide. Successful students work hard -- typically a couple of hours per day and more on weekends, and usually after 6 to 8 weeks of preparation they are confidently prepared to take the exam. However, some students focus on nothing but studying for 2 weeks and are ready; others take as long as 6 months.

    Is this course up-to-date for the May 2021 changes to the ISC2 CISSP exam outline?

    Yes! All program content is aligned with the latest version of the CISSP exam syllabus, including the May 2021 changes to the (ISC)² CISSP exam outline. Our exam simulator mimics the latest version of the CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing) exam interface, ensuring you are fully prepared to meet the CISSP exam requirements.

    We will be updating our CISSP MasterClass to reflect the April 15, 2024 CISSP exam update. And most importantly if you enroll in the MasterClass now, you will have access to the updated course.

    Does this course include the CISSP exam voucher?

    This is an exam preparation program and does not include the CISSP exam voucher itself, which you will book independently with Pearson VUE

    How much feedback and support will I get during the course?

    Lots! You’ll gain plenty of helpful feedback from the results of 15 knowledge assessments, exam simulation practice, and our flashcard app. All of these results also feed back into the recommendations within your personalized, continually updated review guide, so you’ll always know what to focus on. And to get additional support, CISSP books and study guides, answers, and advice from a live human being, all you need to do is drop in to our weekly group study support calls.

    How many hours of video training are there?

    The 174 CISSP training videos covering all of the CISSP exam outline topics add up to approximately 23 and a half hours. The MindMap videos provide an additional 5 and half hours of review of key topics. So in total, we provide about 29 hours of video training. The videos are very concise and contain a huge amount of information. We continually teach the exact same material in our live classes, and it takes 5 full 9-10 hour days to go through the material.

    How long will I have access to the system?

    You have access for 12 months by default. Most of our students spend 6-8 weeks in the program before sitting the exam, and we recommend you aim to take the exam within 6 months of beginning the program. However, our number one priority is that everyone passes the exam, so if you need access for a longer period of time to complete your CISSP training and exam preparation, we are happy to provide it, (Simply email at any time after enrollment to have us extend your program access.)

    How many people have you helped pass the CISSP exam?

    Thousands. Probably tens of thousands -- so many, we’ve lost count! John has been teaching CISSP classes for more than 20 years and used to run the official train-the-trainer program for ISC2, training many of the other CISSP instructors out there. (He also co-authored the first Official CISSP Study Guide.) Rob has been teaching CISSP classes for nearly a decade. Between us we have delivered thousands of classes all around the world, and guided thousands of people to be better security professionals and to pass the CISSP exam.

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