Almost there… Just ONE more step!

Thumbnail image for cryptography video - Destination Certification
Thumbnail image for lattice based security models: Bell-Lapadula and Biba video - Destination Certification

Check your inbox and you’ll see an email from Destination Certification

It might take a couple of minutes to arrive - the email might even land in your spam and/or promotions tabs - so be sure to check there, too.

* NOTE: Be sure to add our email address ( to your allow list (or just add it to your address book), otherwise our email might get lost in your spam folder.

The email provides the link to the FREE Sample Class Videos!

Image of a orange badge with first time pass rate - Destination Certification

First time pass rate

You will see a lot of companies advertise really high CISSP pass rates of 95% or above. If you ask them how they calculate this number, you will learn it’s based on when someone EVENTUALLY passes the CISSP exam, perhaps after 2 or 3 attempts

Our pass rate is a simple calculation of what percentage of our students take our class and then pass the exam on their FIRST attempt.

We don’t want you to go through the immense stress and cost of taking the $750 CISSP exam multiple times, so we work incredibly hard to give you the knowledge and strategies you need to confidently pass on your FIRST attempt!

We’re the co-founders and master instructors at Destination Certification.

We love teaching. We find it incredibly rewarding to help folks like yourself learn, become better security professionals, and achieve your CISSP certification!

Between us, we’ve been teaching CISSP classes for over 35 years, and working directly with ISC2 leading many of their initiatives and programs, as well as leading thousands of professionals to confidently passing the CISSP exam.