The Easiest
Way to Get Your CCSP Certification

Cloud security certification training that adapts to your knowledge and schedule

…by the advisors and contributors of the CCSP certification

Trusted CCSP trainers for:

Studying for the CCSP exam can be easy

Normally studying for the CCSP exam is difficult

You'll get buried under various materials

  • Books
  • Videos
  • Practice questions
  • Endless, often conflicting materials
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We make it as Easy as possible to study for the CCSP exam! Our MasterClass:

  • Provides clarity in the chaos:
  • You’ll know what to focus on
  • What to study each day
  • We provide everything you need
  • All the study materials and guidance in one MasterClass
  • All of the concepts and proven strategies
  • To confidently pass the CCSP exam
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  • Get an instant overview of your progress.
  • Jump in to whatever feels interesting at the moment.
  • Automatically focus on what you still need to learn more about.
  • No matter how you study, your study plan stays up-to-date.
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Cloud Security Certification training by the co-developers of the CCSP certification

When ISC2 wanted to create a cloud security certification, they involved both John Berti and Rob Witcher to help manage the curriculum and materials development.

They brought in other experts, of course, to help decide what to include in the instructor and student materials, including exam question development

We’ve built our CCSP training based on what the exam actually tests you on. You won’t spend time learning unnecessary details, but rather focus your time on exactly what you’ll be tested on in the exam.

CCSP training program that adapts to your knowledge

Our custom MasterClass system learns what you need to focus on in your studies and guides you. You will know what you need to focus on across all the topics in the CCSP exam outline.

Knowledge assessments highlight any gaps in your knowledge

A quick test after each topic identifies anything you need to review

  • Correct answer and explanation of the question
  • The relevant MasterClass video
  • A “cheat sheet” summary
  • Related Flashcards
  • Mindmap video
  • Additional references
  • Chat for asking questions
Image of knowledge assesment on CCSP MasterClass - Destination Certification

The most realistic CCSP practice exam in the world

One of the most common complaints people have about the CCSP exam is that their expectations were totally off. They had answered possibly thousands of practice questions correctly. But the exam was nothing like those.

That’s by design. Just like the CISSP exam, the CCSP exam has intentionally difficult questions. For example, many questions have multiple correct answers. You won’t know what’s right based on just technical information. Rather, you need to understand the impact on the organization.

We’ve made our practice questions feel exactly like the real ones. They’re not the same ones, but we’ve modeled them so closely that they might as well be the real questions.

Here’s an example of what that means in practice:

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Follow a customized, up-to-date study schedule

  • No matter your schedule, your CCSP studies will fit in.
  • You always know what to do next to stay on track.
  • If you skip a day or leap ahead, the schedule adjusts to it.
  • You can always see what’s
    most important for you to study.
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How long do you need to study for the CCSP?

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Study like you have no other life

You can study very quickly, but it means you won’t have time for much else. It’s a bit extreme, but we routinely teach it all in a week.

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Study while juggling a job and family

In case you have something else to do (like a family to see), you will likely need a few weeks before you’re ready to pass the exam.

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Study when you have some time

If you aren’t in a rush to get certified, you can study just a couple of hours per week for a few months.

  • Make studying for the CCSP exam fit your schedule.
  • See exactly what to do next to stay on track.
  • The schedule stays up-to-date as you progress.
  • You even see what’s most important for you to focus on.

The most engaging CCSP training you can find

You might not expect it, but studying for the CCSP exam can be quite engaging.

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What you need to focus on — at a glance

  • Clear progress overview across the 6 domains
  • Stay focused on what you actually need to study — automatically
  • Your personal review guide updates itself as you move through the MasterClass
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  • Get an instant overview of your progress.
  • Jump in to whatever feels interesting at the moment.
  • Automatically focus on what you still need to learn more about.
  • No matter how you study, your study plan stays up-to-date.

Expert instructors at your disposal

If you have questions, we are here to answer them. Ask us live during the weekly Q&A call, or in our community chat, or email us. We’re here for you!

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Rob Witcher

Co-founder & Master


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John Berti

Co-founder & Master


Trusted CCSP trainers for:

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KPMG logo - Destination Certification
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You can get personal answers to your questions from some of the top experts in the industry.

  • One of us (John Berti) advisor and contributor for the CCSP certification on behalf of ISC2.
  • We have trained large organizations’ security teams for 25+ years.
  • We have helped 5,000+ students get CCSP certified. 
  • We were involved in creating the official CCSP materials, curriculums and questions.
  • We have reviewed other training companies’ study materials for accuracy on behalf of ISC2.
  • We have run the official ISC2 train-the-trainer program, so many other instructors are our former students.

Everything you need to pass your CCSP exam easily on your first try

The Destination Certification CCSP
MasterClass in a nutshell

  • CCSP MasterClass videos
  • Automatically up-to-date study plan
  • Live Calls with expert instructors
  • CCSP study guide
  • Workbook for easily taking notes and staying engaged
  • Flashcard app
  • MindMaps to clarify how everything fits together
  • Proven CCSP exam strategies
  • The most realistic CCSP practice exam in the world
  • In Preferred and Premier MasterClasses, you get your own personal CCSP mentor
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Your personal

CCSP mentor

Even though we make the process clear, getting your CCSP certification is still a big project. Having a personal mentor guide you can make it easier.

You can schedule your first call with your mentor as soon as you start the MasterClass (Preferred and Premier). You’ll go over the whole process, the exam preparation, your questions, and anything else you have on your mind.

As you progress through the MasterClass and get closer to the exam, you can reach out to your mentor if you have any questions.

Listen to Lou explaining our

personal mentoring

Lou Hablas

Lead CCSP Mentor

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The Destination
Certification CCSP
MasterClass Videos

The MasterClass is built around
the video lessons.

Each video is focused on a narrow topic, so you can quickly grasp it and move on. That said, you learn more than just the technical information. The videos also cover the management-level considerations that the CCSP certification is about.

The videos are far easier to consume than most other CCSP resources you might find. We’ve split the 6 domains into 133 videos, so you can watch most of them during a short coffee break. Also, we’ve done our best to make them more engaging than the usual cloud security lecture or CCSP resources.

Detailed written explanations

In addition to the videos, you also get written summaries of all the most important concepts. They dig deeper into the topics and help you understand them better.

The summaries also include all the tables and diagrams from the videos, so they work as quick reminders of the lessons, too.

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Image of knowledge assesment on CCSP MasterClass - Destination Certification

Knowledge Assessments

The knowledge assessments are a key reason you’ll know which specific topics to focus on in your studies. The assessments test your understanding of all the topics from the CCSP exam outline, so they quickly provide a surprisingly accurate gauge of whether you know something well enough for the exam or not.

Your answers adjust your personalized study plan, so you don’t need to do anything extra; just follow the plan, and you’ll pass the exam confidently.

Based directly on the current CCSP exam

The MasterClass aligns exactly with the CCSP exam outline. It’s not just the six domains, but even down to which details get emphasized.

That is to say, you study exactly what you need to pass the exam. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Domain 1: Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design


Understand cloud computing concepts


Describe cloud reference architecture


Understand security concepts relevant to cloud computing


Understand design principles of secure cloud computing


Evaluate cloud service providers

Image of CCSP Domain 1 : Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design - Destination Certification

Domain 2: Cloud Data Security


Describe cloud data concepts


Design and implement cloud data storage architectures


Design and apply data security technologies and strategies


Implement data discovery


Implement data classification

Implement data classification


Design and implement Information Rights Management (IRM)

Design and implement Information Rights Management (IRM)


Plan and implement data retention, deletion, and archiving policies

Plan and implement data retention, deletion, and archiving policies


Design and implement auditability, traceability, and accountability of data events

Design and implement auditability, traceability, and accountability of data events

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